About productive cooperatives Haiti (pcH)
FIDA moved to establish itself as a formal entity in Haiti in 2001, identifying itself as productive cooperatives Haiti (pcH). The vision was to be a true Haitian organization staffed with Haitian expertise to provide essential resources toward reinforcing and strengthening the cooperative business model. The organization seeks to be exemplary in its practices of accountability with respect to mission and activities and to operate with the highest fiscal and moral integrity. It maintains a staff of approximately 30 men and women with expertise in the varying program resources offered and related projects.
pcH Services
FIDA’s executing arm in Haiti, productive cooperatives Haiti (pcH) pcH has established experience and expertise in the following:
Community assessments (pre and post project)
Cooperative business model
Agricultural development
Credit disbursement and management/audit
Seed storage silo construction
Irrigation systems, drip irrigation, watershed management, spring capping
Reservoir systems (open and underground)
Integrated Pest Management Training
Farmer Field School Methodology
Organic composting/pest control
Animal husbandry/coop construction
Market/urban gardening
Adult/youth literacy
Community health care/mobile clinics
Participatory methodology/Open Space technology, etc
Institutional capacity building
Disaster response
For assessments/contract inquiries:
Financial Statements
Haiti remains a very high-risk country where all precautions must be taken to protect staff and others affiliated with the organization. Kidnapping for ransom is very much prevalent. For this reason, we limit publishing the names of staff who travel regularly to the field through gang-controlled areas. As well, we, at this point will not publish financial statements. In Haiti, pcH employs stringent accounting practices and annually undertakes an external audit. These can be available upon request by contacting Executive Director, Betsy Wall at:
Auditor Comments
As a registered Haitian not-for-profit, pcH strives to be exemplary in terms of transparency and accountability. Concluding comments from the auditor laud pcH as being a far stronger organization compared with much larger and more visible organizations in Haiti who virtually have no framework outside of “best practices.” They noted the great team of pcH who are always available, and on time (unusual in Haiti), fully cooperative with all documents readily accessible. In auditing “every single element” of the pcH organization they express that the procedures are beyond expectations, with articulated values, tools and commitment…including beneficiaries (whom they interviewed) and who speak highly of the commitment and trust. The auditors exhort for pcH to “keep doing what you are doing, your work matters in the field, it is valuable, you are on the right path for the country.”
FIDA Canada is a fully registered charitable organization: BN 13365 2768 RR0001
FIDA USA is a fully registered 501(c) 3 non-profit organization: US EIN # 47-2300976
productive cooperatives Haiti (pcH) is a fully registered Haitian non-profit organization: #B0307

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