The greatest thing you can do for someone is not to share your riches alone but to reveal to them their own.”
Benjamin Disraeli
Not-so-comfortable Adventure Tours
“Be still and listen. And we will exhaust you.”
A country like no other…
It is what we often hear, “Haiti is like no other experience! It has become a part of me.” Truly, Haiti is a land and a people rich in both complexities and contradictions. Despite this, every visitor attests to the love and joy they feel during their time here. Haiti’s history is very much its present and is deeply embedded in every Haitian. This history, full of the scars of colonialism and the pride of revolution, influences every aspect of their social, cultural, and psychosocial being. It is important to be aware that the values of many Westerners are not to be assumed as the same as Haitians. We encourage you to bear an open heart and an open mind; to listen before acting, to ask before assuming, to treat those you may see as poor as a human being, rich in their ability to share and desire to be all they can be.
To fully experience a FIDA/pcH Not-so-comfortable-in-understanding-poverty Adventure Tours, we advise to come prepared to listen, observe and learn. You will be welcomed yet challenged. However, be mindful that things are not always what they seem. Haiti is a fascinating, enigmatic, and intense land which can take many years to comprehend.
Your itinerary will comprise a varied and exciting week in Haiti. Your experience will include pcH field visits to observe various activities of the season along with various cultural experiences. Depending on the schedule, there will be shopping excursions, a beach day and/or church experience, historical museum/site visits, outdoor dining, and so on.
We welcome you…
Wall’s International Guest House welcomes travellers from all over the world and is known to be a relaxed, cheerful place to stay while in Haiti. It can accommodate up to 50 guests with various room configurations offered. Delicious meals are served buffet style. Purified water and ice are available, along with a variety of soda and Haiti’s award-winning Prestige beer. There is a small but refreshing pool, a small library, conference room, and internet service. Laundry services are offered on weekdays.
Many people come to Haiti to help the poor and discover unexpected beauty and joy. As a Haitian guesthouse, we hope this begins with us. Wall’s International Guest House is in a compound. It is a space that is shared. We ask that you respectfully honour the guidelines to ensure sensitivity to the country you are in and the company that surrounds you.
We look forward to sharing the spectacular adventure of Haiti with you! If you can remember to travel light and go with an open mind and a full heart, we assure you this vibrant country and its compelling people will transform your life.
Betsy Wall
Direct: 519-588-7966
Direct Haiti Contact
Rachel Candio
Direct: 509-4747-2285 (Kreyòl/French)
Direct: 509-4456-8021 (English/French/Kreyòl)
#8 Delmas 19 at Rue Mackandal
Port au Prince, HAITI, WI
NOTE: Haiti remains a high-level risk and visits are not presently advised. The Adventure Tours will resume when safety and security can be assured.

FIDA Canada is a fully registered charitable organization: BN 13365 2768 RR0001
FIDA USA is a fully registered 501(c) 3 non-profit organization: US EIN # 47-2300976
productive cooperatives Haiti (pcH) is a fully registered Haitian non-profit organization: #B0307

© 2024 FIDA/pcH
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