Become A Corporate Donor
When your corporate contributions align with your philosophy, principles and work ethic…
Your mission statement is reinforced when you contribute to an organization that resonates with that mission
Customers and employees respect a business whose contributions are in harmony with its practices and principles
The trust and enthusiasm of employees is strengthened when they observe and participate in strengthening company values through focused charitable giving
Become a corporate partner and discover the difference of an investment approach to development.

Why We Chose FIDA
The owners and management of Premier Equipment Ltd., headquartered in Elmira, Ontario, were looking for a cause they could support, one that would also connect employees to how they can make a difference to others in need. In addition, rather than spreading our charitable support amongst many different charities throughout the year, we decided we could make a greater impact by focusing on one single charity that resonated with our values and objectives.
In September 2010, we chose FIDA/pcH. We liked the fact that FIDA/pcH worked in the development of rural and farming practices in a country of need. Our employees, as well as the customers we serve, are immersed in farming practices in Ontario. We believed that exposing them to an area of need in another part of the world, with similar but different challenges and approaches, would heighten the sense and significance of the contribution we are making. FIDA’s Executive Director, Betsy Wall, also challenged us to visit the project ourselves to see our “investment” at work. That was an important factor. By seeing the impact of our charitable dollars, we believed the life experience of our employees would be broadened and their everyday work would have greater meaning.
The more profitable we are as a company, the more we are able to support the lives of farming men and women in Haiti. Choosing an organization like FIDA/pcH is a good fit for the employees and customers of an agriculturally based business such as Premier Equipment.
Ian Verbeek
“Haiti influenced conversations with my daughter because I could now understand things she was experiencing and feeling following her time in Africa. My time in Haiti had me seeing that there is another option to what we know as the traditional mission approach. It is about listening, discussing, discovering, and caring before action is taken together.”
Henry Scholten
Premier Tour Participant and FIDA Canada Board Member

“As a long term partner, HOPE values pcH’s approach to long-term programming founded on deep relationships with engaged communities who are committed to sustainable outcomes.”
Sean Burke
Director of Overseas Programs
Hope International Development Agency (HIDA) Partner with FIDA-pcH since 2010
FIDA Canada is a fully registered charitable organization: BN 13365 2768 RR0001
FIDA USA is a fully registered 501(c) 3 non-profit organization: US EIN # 47-2300976
productive cooperatives Haiti (pcH) is a fully registered Haitian non-profit organization: #B0307

© 2024 FIDA/pcH
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